We are seeing the use of solar panels in the commercial sector becoming more and more popular and rightly so as it’s highly beneficial for the environment.

The problem we are seeing is the installation of the solar panels being positioned over the top, or very close to existing roof top safety systems; therefore, rendering the anchor points unusable as they can no longer be load tested.

Anchor points are installed for trades who require access to rooftops for work such as; rope access window cleaners, air conditioning servicers, rope access maintenance/ leak repairers etc.

To owners or Building Managers managing the installation please give this some thought as it won’t be long until the impact of this is felt.

For piece of mind employ a Rope Access Technician to assist with the layout of the panels to avoid costly headaches and delays in maintenance work.

We are confident these two installations can live in harmony on your roof it just takes a bit of planning.

Contact us on 6323 2180 or admin@wwfm.com.au and we can assist you with any anchor point safety system queries.